That would have untold consequences for an industry that is one of Germany's largest employers.
If Mr. Abu Amar is right, then the crackdown Israel demanded could drive Hamas back into armed opposition, with untold consequences for the negotiating process.
The extinction of snail darters and red squirrels may be sad, and their preservation or extinction may have untold consequences in the future.
They suffer untold consequences that last for years.
Simple connections, simple decisions, with untold consequences.
"If I can get them here that one time, and they can see it's not like they've heard it is. . . . " The job has also had untold consequences for Brewer.
Politicians around the country say they are bracing for a political hurricane with untold consequences: they know it will hit but they do not know when - or with what force.
Normally, the prospect of spraying plants with genetically altered, pesticide-producing bacteria would raise loud protests from environmentalists fearful that these new microbes would multiply and spread, with untold consequences.
The Falconer proposal to reduce customs duties is thus unacceptable for our European agriculture and would have untold consequences on the agricultural production of the poorest countries.
Villagers could have been sitting on a chemical poison with untold consequences to health.