The most direct link is an untitled painting of a figure curled up on a bed rather inadequately protected by a down comforter.
The untitled painting, showing the snow-covered Louveciennes road west of Paris dates from the 1870s.
In an untitled 1962 painting, a crowd of color seems anxious to surge ahead.
The gallery was designed according to the artist's wishes in order to accommodate Martin's gift of seven large untitled paintings made between 1993 and 1994.
Since then, inmates to whom the untitled painting of the Crucifixion was dedicated have not been able to see it.
One such present is an untitled 1960 painting by Kline that is estimated to sell for $2.5 million to $3.5 million.
Only in spring 2005 at Phillips de Pury & Company, an untitled 1991 painting sold for $1,024,000.
In an untitled painting, he presents an urn that looks as if it had been hit by a beam from the starship Enterprise.
The untitled painting, measuring 14 feet by 12 feet, pictured broad-backed workers engaged in industry, construction and agriculture.
The otherwise untitled paintings belong to his "Mark" series, a mark being a dispassionate notation.