The sealed boxes were not to be opened "under any conditions whatsoever," he instructed, until the 35th anniversary of his death.
As a result, of the 170 employees in 1991, only 40 remained until the 50th anniversary in 1996.
The show's producers, however, persuaded him to stay until the 50th anniversary, in December of the following year.
"This is sacred ground," said Mr. Monte, who hopes the wall will endure at least until the second anniversary.
The discovery was kept secret until the 200-year anniversary of the first ascent in 2004.
"We're anticipating having a strong spring and summer sell-through right up until the one-year anniversary of 9/11," he said.
Some of them thought that because there were still more than three years to go until the anniversary the war would be ended before then.
It was not until the 60th anniversary of the event in 2005 that a memorial stone was erected at the cemetery.
"It's three weeks until the anniversary of Hal's death."
"I think it's O.K. to leave it here until the first anniversary, but then let's move it," she said.