After the uproar, the palace kept the Prince under wraps from early December until his trip to Australia in late January.
Despite all this creative activity Mozart composed no original symphonies until his trip to Paris in 1778.
I count the days until my next trip down here.
And Krzyzewski did not win the first of his three national championships until his fifth trip to the Final Four.
Plenty of road kill, but not a single living wild one, until my third trip.
He said he had felt relatively safe until his last trip, when he began to sense he was being watched.
"Let us put off the visit until our next trip," said Joe, laughing.
At least not until our next trip.
Father wanted me to have an education; so, when I was twelve, he left me at that mission school until his next trip two years later.
He was then transferred to Lima where he remained until his trip to Chile, in 1551.