This life had to be lived as normal and by all of its petty little rules right up until his connecting flight took off from Stavanger.
Parker started construction of the RP9 in 1956 and worked on it for six years until its first flight in 1962.
Ninety minutes until his flight left for Bombay.
He couldn't drink on the flight, of course, nor sleep, and he decided to wait for dinner until his next flight.
Until his flight indeed, he did not and could not contrive to exist in the public mind.
We had about an hour and a half until our flight.
You're not to leave the building until your flight to our camp in San Salvador.
We had one guy who didn't even see the fighters until his third flight.
Both parents will lead the young birds to food and care for them for 14-16 days until their first flight.
But then, had she been all that wise, leaving her first experience until her queen's first flight?