He was a director of Enron from 1994 until its bankruptcy in 2001.
He remained at Lehman Brothers until its bankruptcy and collapse in 2008.
Harry Wardman assumed the position until the company's bankruptcy in 1929 due to the stock market crash.
The first was Worlds Of Wonder from 1985 until its bankruptcy in 1988.
The store remained at Ashley Landing until the company's subsequent bankruptcy in the mid-1990s.
It operated from 1721 until its bankruptcy in 1727.
The company managed the government of Greenland from 1749 until its bankruptcy in 1774.
In the year 2000 Pixelon began to fire employees and reduce its operations until its bankruptcy.
Homfray continuned to work the level until his bankruptcy in 1813.
Novack owned and operated the hotel until its bankruptcy in 1977.