An untidy desk was littered with papers, tapes and box files.
Roger is sitting behind his little untidy desk chatting with a ruddy white-haired gentleman about something to do with chamber music.
No." He went to a little untidy desk in the corner, and began a note.
Frost rarely spoke about it, and the medal was jumbled up with other debris in one of the drawers of his untidy desk.
While this may be true sometimes there is also often much truth in the saying that 'an untidy desk means a cluttered mind'.
He shuffled around his untidy desk and said to me, "I got an assignment for you.
James approached the untidy desk and stood awaiting his commander's greeting, normally a growled "What is it?"
He picked up the sheet of typescript that lay in front of him, and slid it across his untidy desk.
Shoving tax rolls and reckoning beads to one side of the untidy desk, he looked up at his visitors.
She threw down the brush and crossed to the untidy desk by the window.