Her untidy appearance caused him to frown as he pecked her cheek.
In Marlborough's Wairau Valley, cabbage trees tend to retain their old, dead leaves, lending them an untidy appearance.
Tents sprouted in the clearing, giving the place an untidy, gypsy appearance.
His gaze quickly took in her untidy appearance.
Despite its outwardly untidy appearance, the nest was neat and cozy on the inside.
Its chaotically untidy appearance was, to Qubwa, a luxury.
The floor of the hangar had a most untidy appearance.
However, the literature often indicates that despite being "a simple operation" it was "not liked by some" or refers to the "untidy apron-like appearance" it could produce.
The flowers have five narrow petals deeply divided into four lobes giving the flower an untidy, ragged appearance, hence its common name.
His untidy appearance adds to this fumbling illusion.