Reaching down within him, Darok found an untapped reserve and felt the fire of battle surge into his veins.
A source of cheap oil during Soviet rule, Azerbaijan is now viewed as one of the world's last major untapped reserves.
The US and Western Europe stand to benefit from huge untapped reserves, while Russia is quick to point out the potential negative environmental effects.
There was no untapped reserve of occasional playgoers.
While Unocal's existing production may be contractually committed, Unocal is sitting on vast untapped reserves.
Congressmen will now find it hard to vote for further exploration in Alaska, especially in the wildlife refuge where the biggest untapped reserves probably still lie.
Firstly, hopes that opening the universities to lower social classes might reveal untapped reserves of brain-power have been disappointed.
Developers, planners and politicians have been longing for years to drill for revenue in these untapped reserves.
The final chord built to a tremendous blast that seemed to end before it peaked, conveying a sense of untapped reserves of power.
Her determination suggested that she could call upon untapped reserves.