It must cut unsustainable spending and close corporate loopholes, end subsidies and produce some revenue.
If memory serves, rampant, unsustainable military spending was one of the things that transformed the Soviet Union from military superpower to what it is today.
By reining in unsustainable spending, we can help prevent future tax hikes from being levied on small businesses and families.
Creating lasting prosperity requires the economy to change and to rebalance from unsustainable public spending towards exports and investment.
He has faulted both parties for their role in unsustainable spending, and advocates that spending be cut and made "more effective and efficient".
Why would we want to restore Brown's unsustainable spending?
The Outlaws, and the rest of the league, had been counting on the lawsuit money to bail out their unsustainable spending.
But this was largely the product of unsustainable public spending and the candyfloss economy of abundant credit, especially in the property sector.
Greece is in financial turmoil after losing credibility with investors because of its unsustainable public spending.
As budgets tighten, how can councils rein in what some regard as unsustainable spending on children's social care?