Miss West introduces this broader aspect to the unsuspecting reader with amazing deftness.
The reversals Greenberg deftly plants and expertly sets off before the eyes of the unsuspecting reader are a succession of wry epiphanies.
Since such freedom can induce vertigo in the unsuspecting reader, fantasists often anchor their flights of imagination to some recognizable underpinning.
While sufficiently astonishing to the unsuspecting reader, this form of 'COME FROM' statement isn't completely general.
That is the precise danger for the unsuspecting reader.
It is placed in Spectator racks around campus throughout the month of April in order to fool unsuspecting readers into picking it up instead of the day's Spectator.
Hazelton lends her psychiatric advice to questions sent in by her unsuspecting readers.
Nor are unsuspecting readers likely to be duped by the spoof, in part because its stilted prose differs from Mr. Bush's colloquial style.
Slashdot altered its threaded discussion forum display software because "users made a sport out of tricking unsuspecting readers into visiting ".
One week a karaoke machine showers wanna-be singers and the next week a book of magic spells unleashes a spell on unsuspecting readers.