The move used to trick an unsuspecting opponent.
They had the advantage of being easy to make, silent, and very effective, particularly against an unsuspecting opponent.
He also has a gift for oratory and humor that he uses on unsuspecting opponents on the House floor.
Any unsuspecting opponents driving into the icon will find that not only does it not contain a weapon, it actually detonates!
She hit an unsuspecting opponent to the head with her stick.
The parquet could still trap some unsuspecting opponent with one of its dead spots.
This strategy often results in the player gaining a large advantage against their unsuspecting opponent.
"In addition, play had been whistled dead prior to the time Mr. Lemieux hit his unsuspecting opponent."
It lulls unsuspecting opponents into making mistakes and shows up quite well on television.
Action cards are the surprises you can spring on an unsuspecting opponent.