Sitcom actors will set up house and bring in some unsuspecting citizen who will be caught up in the comedy.
Outward was having its own set of problems with the gangs of unknown people who roamed the streets, attacking unsuspecting citizens.
He then proceeds to wreak havoc on the unsuspecting, yet unpatriotic citizens of his hometown.
Now, she roams the world, performing random acts of dentistry on poor unsuspecting citizens.
Parrah and his children were still in the city, along with almost a million other unsuspecting citizens.
In 1945 the doctors had progressed to injecting unsuspecting citizens with doses of plutonium, perhaps the most dangerous of radioactive materials.
The attacks in London and Madrid alarmed the population because they hit civilian targets and unsuspecting citizens on their way to work, school or hospital.
We do not forget that victims of terrorism are often unsuspecting citizens who are injured or killed while they are going about their daily business.
For now, the Gore campaign has no grand plans to start spamming unsuspecting citizens with video messages.
Cheerful, unsuspecting citizens board buses on a crowded block in Brooklyn.