Some dealers pretend to be private sellers to avoid legal obligations and to sell problematic cars to unsuspecting buyers.
There are many ways to pass off a dud car onto an unsuspecting buyer, and monkeying around with the odometer is one of them.
He would quickly sell the products to an unsuspecting buyer, and then disappear before the manufacturer could find him.
The segment explains how he teaches real-estate agents these techniques to use on unsuspecting buyers of property.
Some cars were used by members of the ring, prosecutors said, while others were sold to unsuspecting buyers.
As a result, a thief can rip a dashboard apart to steal a radio and find an unsuspecting buyer.
The thieves then changed the vehicle identification numbers and either sold the cars to unsuspecting buyers or used them themselves, prosecutors said.
In 2007, the cemetery was found to have been recycling graves and selling them as virgin plots to unsuspecting buyers.
Thieves would steal a car and sell it with fake registration papers to an unsuspecting buyer, she said.