Deemed an unsuitable location, it was moved in 2006 to a temporary location in Giza, where it is currently undergoing restoration.
These incidents occur mainly where the swans have nested in unsuitable locations within easy reach of riverside towns.
The original farmhouse was considered as a museum site but fire damage made it an unsuitable location.
All of the former libraries are in unsuitable locations and all are badly in need of repair.
It's an unsuitable location for the constant flow of truck travel that will be the signature of this plan.
Erosion is also a problem in areas, caused by tracks and pathways created by pedestrians in unsuitable locations such as slopes.
Hope Place proved to be an unsuitable location and the operation moved to Darwin.
This opens up possibilities of providing a network access in various unsuitable locations and facilities (lack of electricity, poor signal reception inside the building, etc.).
If the single-point method is used in unsuitable locations, the sound tends to be thick and muddy.
Point Cook's corrosive seaside atmosphere was however deemed an unsuitable long-term location for aircraft maintenance.