Construction from 56th Street to 72nd Street makes that area unsuitable.
It is a particular problem on golf courses established in unsuitable areas.
The Herero were said to have enslaved certain groups and displaced others such as the Bushmen to marginal areas unsuitable for their way of life.
Greywater use promotes the ability to build in areas unsuitable for conventional treatment, or where conventional treatment is costly.
This made the area unsuitable for both animal and human habitation until the ice sheet began to recede about 10-12,000 years bp.
The borders were marked by large forests on the hills surrounding the rivers or by swampy areas unsuitable for agriculture.
As a result of the now near-universal human reliance upon agriculture, the few contemporary hunter-gatherer cultures usually live in areas unsuitable for agricultural use.
Unofficially they grumble about plantings in unsuitable areas and of stretching the harvest to its very limits.
Tel Aviv was built on sand dunes in an area unsuitable for farming.
It was big and heavy, almost twice the weight of the German 88, making it tactically unsuitable for use in forward areas.