Following the unsuccessful outcome of the Battle of Sakarya, the Greek command structure underwent many changes.
This led to hostilities with Austria, in which the Ottoman Empire had an unsuccessful outcome, and Belgrade fell into the hands of Austria in 1717.
A tremendous amount of money is being spent and human resources continue to be used for ecotourism despite unsuccessful outcomes, and even more money is put into public relation campaigns to dilute the effects of criticism.
Nobody in his heart can possibly wish for an unsuccessful outcome of the war.
Fearing an unsuccessful outcome, he outright rejected Almagro's application for a third expedition in 1527.
He added that the War Cabinet was prepared to take full responsibility for any unsuccessful outcomes.
This unsuccessful outcome to the campaign would spread rumors in Europe that the May Revolution was over.
The conference failed to produce a settlement, breaking up on the same day it began with each side blaming the other for its unsuccessful outcome.
The unsuccessful outcome of these campaigns was one of the reasons the government of Sophia Alekseyevna collapsed.
An example would be to allow workers to take some risks and not punish them if the risks leads to unsuccessful outcomes.