New but unsuccessful bidders were sometimes invited by the Authority to join a winner.
Gwangju was an unsuccessful bidder for the 2013 games.
One of the unsuccessful bidders was Mr. Lauren himself, the brokers reported.
We notify successful and unsuccessful bidders in writing as soon as we have reached our decision.
But the court also said that the authority may have improperly withheld documents from unsuccessful bidders who are challenging the bidding process.
The Yellow Pages Group was an unsuccessful bidder at that time.
All unsuccessful bidders will have their good-faith deposits returned to them by me.
Its purpose is to allow unsuccessful bidders to challenge the decision before the contract is signed.
One of these led the Commission to change its tender procedures by allowing unsuccessful bidders time to challenge contract award decisions.
"It's a lot easier to help society if you have money," countered a young man who was an unsuccessful bidder for profit and gain.