In the new reaction, further unstable molecules are formed besides the stable products, and so on.
Anti-oxidants are substances that may protect cells from the damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals.
Slapstick has a body composed of living unstable molecules dubbed Electroplasm.
Like nitroglycerin, most liquid explosives are made of unstable molecules.
Oxidative damage refers to injury caused by unstable molecules called free radicals.
They do this by neutralising highly reactive and unstable molecules, called free radicals, that your body produces.
Jack wears a costume of unstable molecules created by Friday.
Our automatic protective screens repel all potentially unstable molecules, both chemical and nuclear.
A free radical is an unstable molecule that carries an unpaired electron, but it does not have an electric charge.
His power could also transform the appearance of his costume as well, which was made of unstable molecules.