High interest rates are crippling and an unstable economy can produce them at any time.
Thanks to our unstable economy, we've all had to cut back on our spending, but that doesn't mean we can't still be stylish.
Some currencies are more volatile than others because of their unstable economies or inflation.
The sound systems were big business, and represented one of the few sure ways to make money in the unstable economy of the area.
The company has developed a rational business plan in an irrational, unstable economy and cut its work force to 4,500 people from 6,200.
As we learned here in December 2001, the consequences of an unstable economy are not limited to constant traffic disruption.
But with the unstable economy, you also know that's easier said than done.
Some with a much more unstable and poorer economy then Scotland.
The price that we pay for this is to have more unstable economies.
A. I think we have a highly unstable economy in higher education.