This is especially true for children like Lisa, both because of her unspoken need for extra attention and the nature of her brother's illness.
He was come to bring them something, a change that would inspire new growth, that would satisfy some unspoken need.
Morpheus seems to keep the Ravens around out of some sort of unspoken need for companionship.
It was a heavy sugar operation into which the Studio had poured millions already, not to mention unspoken but desperate needs and expectations.
There's always that unspoken need for her to prove herself, over and over.
The peaceful emotion guided them both to meet the unspoken needs of the other.
Jamie had told me about their uncle, lain Mhor; plainly they a good deal of experience in anticipating unspoken needs.
Perhaps it was their parents that made them so, an unspoken mutual need to band together against the enormous pressures at home in Diana's Garden.
And possibly I wasn't any more considerate of the feelings and unspoken needs of.
He kept hearing Marion's voice, the thin thread of vulnerability beneath her dispassionate words, the unspoken need he didn't know how to address.