"Everything reminds me," she says later, as if responding to my unspoken concerns.
I do think there is an unspoken concern about Woakes speed as a bowler but cannot see why that should be.
The unspoken concern at the center of this episode: maybe loyalty is not enough.
Third, there is an unspoken concern about the future of fuel prices.
Although doctors worry loudly about the quality of medical care under any new system, their great unspoken concern is money.
The deeper, unspoken concern is whether Houston has the character to prevail in a series that has turned into a test of wills.
And no one else in the anteroom, though they shared Briza's unspoken concerns, made any motion to argue.
Yonick glanced back at his mother with unspoken concern.
Tanaka sounded as if he had picked up on Spock's unspoken concern.
Chakotay found himself suddenly wondering whether or not he had misread the substance of her unspoken concerns for so long.