Bang Saphan is a quiet and rural area, mostly unspoiled by mass tourism.
The landscape is rugged with some of the largest unspoiled natural areas in the United States.
But there are still some unspoiled areas out there, and I wanted to see them the hard way.
These revelations, then, are only for those who believe that the planet's unspoiled areas should stay that way.
"Refuges traditionally are supposed to be pristine, unspoiled areas," he said.
Good because after you get there you'll find more unspoiled areas to enjoy.
As presented, the statement implies that we should move on to new unspoiled areas, leaving trashed ones in our wake.
I walked alone across a flat, sandy, unspoiled area half a kilometer outside of the station, on the Up.
Brugg is a convenient place from which to explore an interesting and unspoiled area around.
In rabies, as with malaria, the wish to get out into "unspoiled" areas creates health hazards.