He also said the city expected to identify up to $750 million in unspecified additional measures to counter the effects of proposed state budget cuts.
Mr. Voronin announced that other, unspecified measures were being drawn up to prepare the country for the onset of winter.
Finally, Mr. Doherty predicted that the department would be forced to pay for $380 million in unspecified "corrective measures" over 30 years.
But the statement said stronger but unspecified measures would be considered if harm came to Mr. Rushdie.
The plan is predicated on the success of unspecified cost-control measures.
The agreement calls for the Legislature to create an additional $15 million in savings for the courts through a variety of unspecified measures.
He said he planned to challenge the results in court, and would likely take other unspecified "political" measures to protest the election results.
In addition, he pledged to undertake further unspecified measures to streamline and improve managerial performance "without waiting for government approval."
Zoo officials were reportedly considering unspecified measures to prevent further incidents.
New Delhi also opposes a provision that calls for a review conference in three years to consider unspecified measures if the treaty has not gone into force.