The two students involved in the incident were also arrested on unspecified charges, but not identified.
Georgia-Pacific, a forest products concern, said it would take an unspecified charge in the second quarter to pay for the moves.
He also agreed to cooperate with investigators and to plead guilty to a single, unspecified criminal charge.
Sosa's brother, Horacio, and two other men were also arrested on unspecified charges.
In the 1994 quarter, the company had an unspecified $2 million charge.
Times Mirror said the retirement program would require the company to take an unspecified charge against earnings later in the year.
The company also said it would take an unspecified charge against its third-quarter earnings, due to be announced next week.
He was arrested in 2009 in Pakistan on unspecified charges and later released.
He also agreed to plead guilty to an unspecified criminal charge.
There would be unspecified one-time charges related to the merger and restructuring of operations, the companies said.