These consumers routinely delete unsolicited messages without even reading them.
Ever wonder how a certain company sending unsolicited e-mail messages got your address?
The average Web user gets more than 2,000 unsolicited messages annually.
A. Companies that send unsolicited commercial e-mail messages, or spam, are always trying to find new ways to get recipients to open them.
Of course, drivers listen to unsolicited commercial messages every day on their car radios, with no fuss.
Of course, the most immediate lesson for investors is this: ignore unsolicited e-mail messages.
Do not provide your credit card number to unsolicited e-mail messages or on suspicious Internet web sites.
Of the people who received an unsolicited e-mail message in the experiment, 37 percent sent it on, a relatively high participation rate.
But thousands were outraged that he had sent unsolicited commercial messages.
The law does not apply to unsolicited political messages.