Thompson also made an unsolicited $1,000 contribution to Virginia Senator Patsy Ticer (D) in 2009.
At the same time there are lobbyists stumbling over one another to offer unsolicited contributions.
As word of the campaign has spread, unsolicited contributions have poured in to the school, sometimes at the rate of $2,000 a day.
So far, he said in a telephone interview, he has spent less than $1,300 on his race, including postage to return unsolicited contributions.
Mr. Forrester's campaign said that in the three days after his primary victory, he received hundreds of unsolicited contributions, some as small as $5.
Last year, the group took in about $40,000 in unsolicited contributions, said Bedzaida Mendez, executive director of the food bank.
Until we started to get unsolicited contributions off the street.
Another $83,145 was collected from unsolicited contributions, he said.
With each of his activities, unsolicited contributions seemed to appear.
While the publisher seeks contributions, unsolicited contributions are welcome, in line with planned themed editions and guidelines Link label.