The mustache was a sandy brown brush over the thin unsmiling mouth.
He stood with his hands braced wide apart on the table, his mouth unsmiling.
He saw a man with a worried frown and a thin, unsmiling mouth.
Cool gray eyes that rarely seemed to blink, an unsmiling mouth.
He had a deeply tanned face and a wide, unsmiling mouth.
Lines scored it, crossing the brow, running downward from the nose to bracket the unsmiling, steady mouth.
The curé was a suave man, dark, with an impassive long face, a thin unsmiling mouth.
She studied the split-screen images of a thin face with dark, deep-set eyes and an unsmiling mouth.
Hers was a hard, tight face, with lines that bracketed a broad, unsmiling mouth and short nose.
Perhaps it was the long, unsmiling mouth, or the rough sweep of black brows.