They treated Sandry as king, but always there were fours of guards, impassive and unsmiling, armed with clubs and leather cords.
He was escorted back to his apartments by unsmiling, silent guards.
Only ancient weapons could pass the scrutiny of the unsmiling guards at the entrance to the long hall.
When we were directed by unsmiling guards down into the building's dank bowels to watch the assorted dramas unfold, what transpired should have been an exhilarating and terrifying experience.
The young guard, tall and unsmiling, asked for their names.
Trout passed an empty fuel tank up to the unsmiling guard, who took it over to the pump and filled it while they remained in the boat.
The checker-inner had gone but the two unsmiling guards still stood watch.
As Victoria extracted her notepad and pen from her shoulder bag, she observed beyond the table the ominous presence of one more unsmiling guard, a sergeant, on a raised platform at a desk.
An unsmiling guard scanned Emma's wrist barcode, her eyes hidden by insectile camera-laden sunglasses.
New generations grew up in Bad Harzburg facing west, and if they turned to the east at all it was to show tourists the fences, tank traps, watchtowers and unsmiling guards of the East German border.