Every man had an unsheathed sword in his hand.
To none were we to show an unsheathed sword unless they first attacked us.
I held her a moment, then the old frustration slipped back, thrusting like an unsheathed sword between us.
The curve of an unsheathed sword lay across the table.
Even Bran knew what it meant to greet a guest with an unsheathed sword.
Two soldiers took positions, with unsheathed swords, at opposite corners.
Then he rose up with unsheathed sword in hand and walked out to see the horses.
They waited with unsheathed swords, leaving no doubt what would happen if someone shouted a warning.
He was kneeling by the skeleton, the unsheathed long sword in his hands.
The unsheathed sword with point to top refers to Vietnam where the division was active.