Suddenly, Troi felt an unsettling sensation of being watched prickling down her spine.
It was an unsettling sensation, even for one accustomed to riding the waves on an Island.
Bryant looked thoughtful for a couple of moments, and Chris had the unsettling sensation that he had given something important away to the big man.
Still, the unsettling sensation was there and I didn't like it.
Usually this doesn't bother me, but today I felt an unsettling sensation.
"It's a mighty unsettling sensation, and I tend to get violent when I'm nervous."
As don Juan spoke, I had the unsettling sensation that something was clearing in my mind.
The unsettling sensation came back when I bought a bag of my favorite organic frozen French fries.
Kimberly found herself having to quash an unsettling sensation of intimacy caused by his words.
It was an unsettling sensation that had proven rather useful in interrogation and other situations.