In any event, she stopped thinking about such things, including the unsettling presence of the man beside her, when she entered the bedchamber and saw her longtime patient.
She had expected Koutsoudas to be an unsettling presence, but oddly enough, he turned out to be very incurious about his shipmates.
It is an unsettling presence in this light evening.
In all circumstances they are distant and emotionless, radiating an unsettling otherworldly presence.
Kaworu is portrayed as being ignorant of many aspects of social interaction, creating some comic relief, but is also colder and more of an unsettling presence than in the anime.
Abraham has forgotten Hawk's ability to stay calm even in David's unsettling presence and so he is reluctantly forced to admit that, as a tactic, it has failed them miserably.
To many characters, he's an unsettling presence.
His was an unsettling presence for those negotiating with him, for somehow he radiated the wisdom acquired over the years and the vitality of youth to implement it.
Instead of keeping history at bay, as McCarthy so often does, she allows its unsettling presence into her novel, and the book is richer for it.
The emirs gave support to limited modernization largely from fears of the unsettling presence of southerners in the north, and by observing the improvements in living conditions in the South.