Kathy observes George's persistant waking at 3:15 am, feeling he must go check on the boathouse, and other unsettling incidents.
Even a small district like Dobbs Ferry has dealt with some unsettling incidents.
Following some unsettling incidents there, including the murder of the play's producer, Mort insisted I have a bodyguard and sent Wendell to protect me.
It had been an uneasy season, both out on the hustings and back at the White House, where two unsettling incidents had occurred.
In Paras Derval she had witnessed an unsettling incident during a children's counting game.
That was the second unsettling incident.
Nonetheless, Dantzscher's mishap was one more unsettling incident for a team that will need to be at its most settled and focused.
Still, he wasn't eager to have the story of his origins too widely circulated, especially not since the unsettling incident with the beggars.
Morgan and the team also seem, at least for now, to have put behind them an unsettling incident involving Rice.
On Thursday morning, the day before the Capitol shootings, a more unsettling incident occurred, the family said today in a series of extraordinary, emotional interviews.