Brothers," intoned Patur deeply, "this is a most unsettling dream.
For all the joy he felt after the game, Gentry confesses to having an unsettling dream just hours after the big win.
Had an unsettling dream inspired those six-inch deep claw marks in the very stone near the dragon's forelegs?
While I was sleeping off and on in the ferry, I had the most unsettling dreams.
Landscapes and settings shift easily as in some unsettling but perfectly understandable dream.
Except that despite the unsettling dream, he did not feel tired, certainly not nearly so tired as the day before.
His life and the White family's destinies become intertwined because of an unsettling dream and an act of violence.
"I've been having some very unsettling dreams," McCoy said.
He has unsettling recurring dreams about being touched by a strange, bluish hand.
He had fallen asleep (and had his unsettling dream) around two o'clock.