The evening ended with a bracing, lucid and unsentimental account of "Das Lied von der Erde."
This is a bracing, incisive and unsentimental account of a staple.
This book, written with his wife, a freelance writer, is a candid and unsentimental account of his, and their, experience.
Burdened with anger, depression and, finally, utter despair, she wrote this direct and unsentimental account of her ordeal when cancer had overtaken her life.
Grainger based his novel on his unsentimental account of life in the logging camps.
A must-read for all those interested in an unsentimental account of modern Turkey.
Variety called it "a tough, ruthless and generally unsentimental account" and "also a very well-made picture."
Part of the charm of Wright's play lies in its glowing, detailed, unsentimental account of London's Caroline theatre.
A stringently unsentimental account, exploring family life and thought, by the father of a son with Down syndrome.
Needless to say, this is a crassly unsentimental account of how people sort themselves into couples.