An unseen shape glided to a spot where two other cars were parked in darkness.
He had swung to safety, a blackened, unseen shape, just before the roadster had whizzed leftward beneath him.
She rotated the cup in her hands again, taking in the familiar shape unseen for so long.
The man stood facing the unseen shape of The Shadow for a full minute, listening to the sound of his engine.
Long arms sped ahead of the driving, unseen shape.
When Philmont and Harlingen turned around, a shrouded, unseen shape was near them, almost at arm's reach from their doorway.
An unseen shape was moving from the sawdust.
The advent of shell construction and the better mathematical understanding of hyperbolic paraboloids allowed very thin, strong vaults to be constructed with previously unseen shapes.
Phantom blackness that formed a silent, unseen shape that lived.
Airless as ever, the place seemed; and what air there was, as before, seemed stirred by unseen shapes and presences.