Above him, as though an unseen finger had traced them in the air, were two slender crimson lines.
"That blue smoke was like unseen fingers crushing my throat."
But there were other sinister unseen fingers on the triggers that left 28 marchers dead and 200 wounded.
They made love in the warm sunlight, on one of the foam mattresses, with the trade wind teasing their bodies like unseen fingers.
Like the unseen fingers of a prestidigitator, the wind plucked the riven fragments away.
At any moment, unseen fingers might close a switch, and he would fall.
It was as if gentle, unseen fingers were penetrating his body and untying knots of frustration.
Heavy gravity reached out with seductive, unseen fingers, drawing the vessel closer, faster.
They felt the hands, unseen fingers grasping, clutching, pushing.
And Alanna's unseen finger seemed on the point of touching him.