One major and controversial feature of Ms. Prophet's teaching was a complex theology regarding unseen beings called "entities".
Then, as if some unseen being had turned down the wick of a lamp, the light faded once more.
With vengeful snarls, they raised their revolvers to fire at the unseen being.
I know that indeed there are those spiritual beings, unseen and unknown, who work on our behalf to assist in bringing about changes in our lives.
I shouted, but it was not my voice, it was almost as though I were taken over by some unseen being.
A soft swish announced the motion of an unseen being.
She can daydream about a dozen things at once, hold her own in aimless conversation with unseen beings, and recite verse with no meter or rhyme.
It indicated the presence of an unseen being.
A final laugh rose through the sanctum; then faded into strangely ebbing echoes, as though unseen beings were joining in The Shadow's mirth.
He knew the meaning of the sibilant echoes that persisted like the dying cries of a host of unseen beings.