As if in answer, she heard the unseen beast loose its cry again.
The twins grabbed their shotguns and glanced about, prepared for attack by the unseen beast.
Across from the ramp was a huge parking lot brilliantly lit by arc-sodiums; beneath their glare, the wind-driven snow seemed to move like the frozen respiration of an enormous, unseen beast.
Grey-green stalactites and stalagmites grew like the teeth of a huge unseen beast, contriving to make the space unpleasantly claustrophobic.
The unseen beast raised another growl, lower, resonating around the arena walls.
It gives shape to an ineffable disruption in the brain, some sense of the habits and behaviors of an unseen beast.
A shadow loomed in front of her as the unseen beast lunged for her throat!
An athlete taking part in the event, Joel, begins to realise the true meaning of things and what is at stake when his fellow human competitors begin to fall, savaged by some unseen beast.
This coincides with a series of mysterious killings in the neighborhood: dogs are being ripped apart by an unseen, savage beast.
But the four men on the beach faced away from the stars, stared instead at the dark wall of the jungle before them, for they feared the unseen beasts that were hidden there.