The department has a mixed record when it comes to investigating unseemly behavior like what occurred in Washington.
Yet the fact that he did so in order to avoid the consequences of his unseemly behavior is apparently immaterial to them.
Please do not spoil this great day with unseemly behavior.
It is unseemly behavior, even by the eye-gouging standards of political talk shows.
This came out sounding almost like an admission of unseemly behavior.
This was not the time or place for unseemly behavior.
It is likely they may be too tired to think about the consequences of their unseemly behavior, which could escalate into physical confrontation.
But until then, many children view the unseemly behavior through a lens of common sense that some celebrities themselves appear to lack.
That lady was sputtering into protest at his unseemly behavior.
Should there be one suitable among them, I do not wish him disinterested by unseemly behavior.