Deloitte said that unsecured lenders received just 2p for every pound that they have claimed back from the defunct operator.
Amoco said unsecured lenders would receive cash and securities equal to 45 cents on the dollar, up from the 35.7 cent original offer.
Essentially, Chapter 13 bankruptcies simply tell borrowers that they must pay back some or all of their debts to all unsecured lenders.
Bankers Trust was also the largest unsecured lender to Donald J. Trump during the expansion of his real estate empire.
Either way, the unsecured lenders - like credit card companies and doctors' offices - stand to lose all or a part of what they are owed.
The credit card companies, which are the largest unsecured lenders, argue that a means test is necessary because one-third of the people who choose Chapter 7 have the income to make at least partial payments.
Mr. Parsons said the Dime, taking advantage of its existing customer base, planned to expand its activity as an unsecured lender to individuals.
But, in the past three years, unsecured lenders have received 23 percent less on average, or 31 cents on the dollar, because defaulters are so overextended.
In insolvency proceedings, secured lenders traditionally have priority over unsecured lenders when a court divides up the borrower's assets.
With more and more assets in hock to collaterised loans, this leaves unsecured lenders wondering how they will be paid back and whether they should lend.