Donna Taybard awoke from a troubled sleep to hear the cracking of the unseasoned wood on the fire.
The cabin was badly built; the unseasoned wood was beginning to warp and mud had been pushed into the cracks.
Internal conditions, such as green or unseasoned wood, can cause some twisting until after about 50 years when fully seasoned.
A measure of green unseasoned wood with 65% moisture contains less usable energy than when it has been dried to 20%.
Green wood - unseasoned wood; freshly-harvested timber, usually with a high moisture content.
The unseasoned wood in their hulls quickly began to rot after construction was suspended and they were broken up beginning in 1874.
The already frail structures now were fashioned of green unseasoned wood; the wheels went without metal tire bands.
This calamity was attributed to the use of unseasoned wood and his lack of knowledge of the local building materials.
When available they were often of inferior quality, as Mountfort discovered with the unseasoned wood in his first disastrous project.
Holy Wood Town, built of unseasoned wood and short nails, was shaking apart.