The weather had been utterly bloody miserable, with the relentless rain and unseasonably low temperatures driving the suffering natives abroad in record numbers.
On 25 June another unseasonably low pressure (993 hPa / 29.3 inHg) depression moved across England.
Home-heating systems overburdened by unseasonably low temperatures are suspected of contributing to some of the fatal fires.
California got a cold dose of reality this week as temperatures dropped to unseasonably low levels, resulting in warnings about possible electricity blackouts ahead and reminders that steep increases in natural gas prices might be coming.
I fished under blue skies and sunshine, while being drenched in rain, covered in snow, and slapped in the face by wind-driven sleet; I fished when the rivers ran high, when they dropped unseasonably low, and all stages between.
Bouts of frigid weather this winter, coupled with a decision last month by the Tosco Corporation to suspend operations at a refinery in Marcus Hook, Pa., have pushed heating oil inventories to unseasonably low levels, traders said.
Intermittent showers and unseasonably low temperatures in the 50's and 60's Friday night and yesterday morning brought unexpected relief to many New Yorkers.
- Some unseasonably low temperatures are expected in the Himalayas - Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal - with daytime temperatures at Lhasa, Tibet potentially around ten degrees below normal.
Pork belly futures at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange reasserted a bullish price trend as the number of hogs slaughtered returned to an unseasonably low level.
Many hotels are closed but houseboats are generally entirely away from any whiff of violence and are not only calm but prices are unseasonably low.