At the same time, some of the established clubs wanted to regulate the sport of rowing to prevent unscrupulous practices and fixed races.
As a result, they say, the industry is susceptible to unscrupulous or negligent practices.
"We believe SLM should benefit as competitors' unscrupulous practices are prohibited," he wrote.
Too often, companies that are defendants in civil cases use secrecy to conceal product defects or other unscrupulous commercial practices.
The proposed amendment more closely reflects the actual business practices of lenders while protecting borrowers from unscrupulous practices.
Several states have taken steps to confront the more unscrupulous practices of equity stripping.
The unscrupulous practices of some dealerships have led to trouble for people borrowing from other auto finance companies.
Congress has investigated allegations about harm, and even death, to patients, caused by unscrupulous practices of mail-order houses.
For too long, companies, especially in my region of the South East of England, have been targeted by this unscrupulous practice.
We need to look into such unscrupulous practices, as they are clearly designed to get less-well-off, vulnerable people into increasing debt.