A Pandya king mentions that he should be put into the boiling water for having appointed an unscrupulous person as judge in his court of justice.
Imagine what damage an unscrupulous person could cause.
But this newly discovered flaw could enable an unscrupulous person or organization to basically read a person's full Web history.
Any unscrupulous person may make the experiment, and argue the matter out with the water-bailie.
The other surprise is what a rotten and unscrupulous person Douglas could be.
What if you've lost your Kindle, or some unscrupulous person has taken a kindled interest in it and stolen it from you?
- Why did I invest money with that unscrupulous person?
Allerton also brought some unscrupulous persons from England to the colony.
Any ambitious, unscrupulous person can do that for him.
"They come in and look for food and they are more likely to get into the hands of some unscrupulous person who might be angry."