Our concern remains that the final legislation ensure that this money flows to the workers it is intended for, not to the pockets of some unscrupulous owners.
What he omits is the practice by some unscrupulous owners of scuttling ships to collect inflated insurance when profitable sale is impossible.
This is in contrast to Frederick, who has the opposite scenario of a smaller, better managed farm run by an unscrupulous, violent owner (an allegory of Germany).
These holdouts usually wait until the buyout prices rise high enough, but unscrupulous owners sometimes resort to harassment to drive them out.
"This is a very competitive real estate market, and many seniors fall victim to unscrupulous owners," he said.
The ranch managers bought a used kitchen stove from the unscrupulous owner of the Really Long Branch Saloon.
They'll sell each ship and cargo for cash to unscrupulous owners anxious to increase their fleets.
Once they had lost their own investment, unscrupulous owners of thrifts could essentially gamble with Government money.
The ship was sunk by an unscrupulous owner to obtain the insurance.