This is a highly unscientific observation from somebody with absolutely no credentials as a Yankee sympathizer.
From my unscientific observations, parents of the students who need their support and involvement the most are crippled by their own (mostly) terrible educational experiences.
I see a lot more cracked iPhone 4s on the train than 3GSs (unscientific observation).
He gazed, awestruck, at the heavenly display, and responded with a very unscientific observation.
So I feel qualified to make some general unscientific observations and some purely subjective remarks on the subject.
From very unscientific observations made at Baby Digger's nursery, left to make their own choices, everyone plays with everything.
Reports are anecdotal - they rely on the unscientific observations of people using the medications, rather than a double-blind clinical study.
From my unscientific observations, parents of the students who need their support and involvement the most are crippled .
Mr. Sanna reported that unscientific observation suggested an older audience predominated among the early ticket-buyers, but that now younger people had started lining up.
Amazon is far too coy to give actual sales figures for the device, but based on my entirely unscientific observations, I think it is about to go mainstream.