Newsflow and commercials make up the rest of the unscheduled time.
Each request and each decision takes on great importance because there are few opportunities for unscheduled time together.
Sunday may be the longest stretch of unscheduled time they encounter in a week.
But for many adults, letting their children do what they did in their youth - spend unscheduled, unstructured time with friends - is not an option.
Equally important, and not mentioned, is the importance of unscheduled time for children to learn to entertain themselves.
He was guessing that nobody had gone through that cumbersome process at an unscheduled time in the midst of crisis.
She said that one of the things she encourages is parents giving children unscheduled time.
Leave one hour of time unscheduled every weekday and two (or more) hours a day on weeke-nds.
Tomorrow is unscheduled time for us.
The planes leave only from Washington and New York at unscheduled times.