Of course as soon as these unsavory tasks are not compulsory, they become alluring.
When not battling monsters, the player is asked to take on some unsavory tasks.
That rather unsavory task had taken him all over the sprawling industrial complex, from the starkly utilitarian administrative offices to the shafts of the mile-deep underground hive.
He gave a sad sigh - that of a man who had completed an unsavory task.
So bad that when Republican officials gather for publicity photos, nobody wants the unsavory task of standing between the two so they do not brush arms.
Now their relationship has degenerated so badly that Republicans routinely argue over who has the unsavory task of standing between the two men during photo opportunities.
Menu of Options' Perhaps the most unsavory task has fallen to the city's Transportation Commissioner, Ross Sandler.
And after performing this unsavory task, another surprise awaits Peter: he himself is fired.
It was blessedly empty and she was spared the unsavory task of rousting out people in their nightgowns.
And now it has become the unsavory task of these high-level women to defend the President's misalliances with low-level women.