- but we are nosier today, truffle hounds for the unsavory detail.
To be sure, were the unsavory details of this matter to become known, our family would, quite naturally, be ruined.
For Waybrock was ingenious enough to cover over certain unsavory details of his career.
Many talk show hosts wallowed gleefully in the unsavory details.
But guidance counselors express concerns over the deterioration of that relationship because they are no longer sure what protection they have to report unsavory details.
Callers wishing to report unsavory or embarrassing details about themselves or others can request the "voice-changer."
Then, as he looked, another unsavory detail made itself evident.
I won't go into all the unsavory details.
All unsavory details were perversely included in the telephone script, and elucidated with appalling candor to prospective customers.
Readers of Tanizaki's fiction will recognize in this tour not only his acute sense of place but his gift for the essential, often unsavory detail.